Session 11: Engaging Type - Ficciones Typografika, an Odyssey in Experimental Type as Public Expression
Date & Time
Saturday, March 5, 2022, 10:40 AM - 11:20 AM

Ficciones Typografika: What are “typographic fictions”? It’s hard to explain. To Paul Schmelzer of Reform Magazine, it’s "…a borderless and timeless project that is the start of a new community, online and offline…” Sarah Boris, a French designer and poster contributor described it as "…stories written by designers. It’s like a giant ongoing exquisite corpse that doesn’t necessarily make sense as one narrative but that makes sense day by day, each time a new poster appears online and on the wall of the garage.”

According to Erik Brandt, the project was simply “a project dedicated to typographic exploration in a public space."

Brandt will walk us through his gallery: a 36 x 72-inch panel on the side of his garage in Minneapolis’ Powderhorn Park neighborhood where designers from around the world contributed nearly 650 works, each printed out and wheat pasted by Brandt. In essence, Ficciones Typografika became a platform where designers and artists could play, experiment, and then converse about their ideas. And like any great story, there's a sequel: Typografika Politika, an outlet for expressing politikverdrossenheit, the political disillusionment that currently seems to be all-invasive and a reflection of the shifting sands of power, democracy and agency.

Erik Brandt